Aug 10, 2009

UNPO Statement of Concern: Baloch Kidnapping

UNPO demands international action following kidnapping of Baloch human rights activist after visit to family members in Pakistan.

UNPO condemns the recent kidnapping of Mr. Ehsan Arjomandi, a Baloch human rights activist of Norwegian citizenship. It is believed that Pakistani intelligence services may have intercepted the bus he was travelling on to the airport following a short visit to family in Balochistan.

UNPO notes that it is not uncommon for Baloch activists who have been arrested to remain illegally detained for long periods of time without access to family members or legal assistance. There are worries that though an extradition treaty between Iran and Pakistan, that he could be transferred to Iran, whereby torture would be used to obtain a false confession.

UNPO demands that both nations observe international legal strictures and that Mr. Arjomandi be released immediately. UNPO warns that torture can never be tolerated.

UNPO calls on the international community to act to protect this Norwegian citizen, and calls that governments do not embark on a policy of inaction or indifference.

To read the press release from the Balochistan Peoples Party, please click here.