Dec 05, 2005

Southern Cameroons: SCNC Representatives Released

Whilst Nfor Ngala Nfor and Steven Kongso, arbitrarily arrested and detained since 11 November, were granted bail last week, the situation remains tense
SCNC representatives, including Nfor Ngala Nfor and Steven Kongso, were released from prison, some on bail, last week, after the recent wave of arrests. The state of affairs in Southern Cameroons, however, continues to be marked by tension.

Continuing to be deeply concerned by the nature of arbitrary arrests and unjust treatment of members of the Southern Cameroons community, UNPO held a Peace Manifestation in The Hague last week to raise awareness of the situation in Southern Cameroons, and to display the solidarity of UNPO to those committed to a peaceful struggle for democracy and civil and human rights for the people of Southern Cameroons.

UNPO has also appealed to the Secretary of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Mr. Miguel de la Lama, to draw attention to, and urge for measures being taken to improve, the current situation in Southern Cameroons.