Oct 02, 2013

Book Launch: “Iraq’s Minorities and Other Vulnerable Groups: Legal Framework, Documentation and Human Rights”.


1st October 2013

UNPO was delighted to co-host the launch of the newly released handbook “Iraq’s Minorities and Other Vulnerable Groups: Legal Framework, Documentation and Human Rights”, at the European Parliament.

The idea for this book, released by the Institute for International Law and Human Rights (IILHR), came from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and is the product of the collaborative effort of many organisations and individuals.

The result of extensive consultation, both within and outside Iraq, it represents a first-in-its-kind informative handbook dedicated to the situation of 15 Iraqi ethnic groups and vulnerable populations such as minorities, women and LGBTI individuals.

Ana Gomes, Member of the European Parliament, chaired the event and led a roundtable discussion on several issues regarding non-prevalent ethnic groups in Iraq.  

Mr. William Spencer took the floor to succinctly describe the aims and efforts which contributed to the publication of the book. Touching upon the very practical character of the document, he stated in a very concrete example that “immigration officers can use this legal framework to better determine the background and legal status of the Iraqi asylum applicant”.

Mr. Niccolo’ Figa’ Talamanca (No Peace Without Justice) and Mr. Marino Busdachin (UNPO) made brief interventions stating the importance of this text as a unique publication in its field.

The event was attended by several representatives of European External Action Service (EEAS), the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) Representation in Brussels, Iraqi Embassy representatives, civil society organizations and several members of various Iraqi ethnic communities.